
put和put on什么区别

put和put on什么区别

put sth on和put on sth的用法是相同的,只是宾语的位置不一样

同时还有这几种意思:1穿;戴;put you coat on.穿上外衣.

2抹,搽,涂She's just putting on her make up.她正在化妆.

3开动、发动;使运行I'll put the kettle on for tea.我来烧壶水好沏茶

4播放do you mind if i put some music on.我放点音乐你不介意吧

.5增加体重she looks like she's put on weight.她似乎发胖了.

6假装,装作.I don't think she was hurt.She was just putting it on.我想她没有受伤,她只是在装样子.


when it is cold,I put on the coat


do you mind if i put some music on.



1.Put your hands up. 举起手来;

2.Let me put it this way. 这么说吧;

3.Stay put. 不许动;

4.Put it down. 把东西放下;

5.Put the word out. 让每个人知道;

6.Put on some weight 增加体重;

7.Put it on my tab. 记在我的帐上;

8.Well put! 说得好!