Abbreviation- a shortened form of a word(单词缩写)
Types of People (关于人的)
Mr. = mister
used for a man
Ms. = miss or mistress
used for a woman
Mrs. = mistress
used for a married woman
Dr. = doctor
used for anyone with a doctorate degree
Days of the Week (星期的缩写)
Sun. = Sunday Mon. = Monday Tues. = Tuesday Wed. = Wednesday
Thurs. = Thursday Fri. = Friday Sat. = Saturday
Months of the Year (月份的缩写)
Jan. = January Feb. = February Mar. = March Apr. = April
May - no abbreviation June - no abbreviation July - no abbreviation Aug. = August
Sept. = September Oct. = October Nov. = November Dec. = December
Addresses and Places (地点的缩写)
Rd. = Road St. = Street Dr. = Drive
Cr. = Circle Ave. = Avenue U. S. = United States
需要注意的是:星期二缩写是Tues. 星期四缩写是:Thurs.
这份表格中提到:五 六 七月份没有缩写。九月缩写是Sept.
个人见解:June,July,May因为很短所以外国人很少用缩写,也许也有。如上边“睡着的星星”所说,Sep. Sept.都可以。
另外,比如Mr Li(或其它什么先生)中,现在的外国人在Mr后面已经不加(.)了,约定俗成的事情。