


1, L/C is opened from the bank on the basis of sales contract,but it does not give the two parties to provide absolute security.

2, People's Insurance Company of China provides a wide range of marine transport insurance for international trade .

3, The international trade business involved more factors than domestic trade,and more complex procedures.

4, SWOT analysis was frequently used in the strategic plan .



We will lose money instead of making money if we perform this price.

如果按这个价钱,我们将会亏本,更别说赚钱了. (这样比较委婉)


I am sorry that this price is lower than my bottom price, we really will lose money if we perform this price.

我真的很抱歉, 这个单价低于我们的最低价了,如果按这个价钱,我们真的会亏钱的.


L/C ,which is established by bank is based on sales contract,but it doesn't guarantee absolute reliability for the both sides.

People's Insurance Company of China provides a wide-ranging insurance for marine shipping in international trade.

Compare with domestic trade,international trade includes more elements and more complex processes.

SWOT analysis is in common use for a strategic project.