



1946 年的全国篮球有许多伟大的篮球明星。多年来他们都是美国人,但现在许多好球员来到美国其他国家的。篮球既是室内运动又是室外运动,它是一项团队运动,有两每队五人,目标是把球扔过对方的你可以从任何一个篮筐扔出去,这样你就可以阻止对方这样做。


原文:Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States and otherparts of the world.

It has a history of over a century, The inventor of basketball,James Naismith, came from Canada.

He invented basketball for his students in1891.

At first, it was an indoor game so that students could play in bad weather,Basketball soon became very popular.

In 1946 the National Basketball Association (NBA) came into being.

There were many great basketball stars in the NBA. For many years they were all Americans.

But now many good players come from other countries.asketball is both an indoor and outdoor game.

It is a team sport with two teams of five players each.

The goal is to throw the ball through the other side's basket, and to stop the other team from doing so.

You can throw it from any part of the court with one hand or both hands.

You can also pass the ball to your teammates. But you must follow the rules.

For example, you can't hold the ball . and run with it. To win basketball games, you should have good skills.

But it is . more important for you and the other players to play as a team.

You are sure to . enjoy playing this popular sport.