




Did you ever make anything by hand when you were a child?

Do children in your country often make things by hand?

Do you think it's very useful for children to make things by hand?

Is there anything that you would like to make by hand in the future?


How do you feel about birds? (Why do you feel that way?)

How do Chinese people feel about birds?

Are there many birds near your home?

Have you seen many different kinds of birds? (near your home)?

Do any birds have any particular significance in China? For example, does China have a national bird?

Do you think birds should be protected? (Why? / Why not?)

Do Chinese people like raising (keeping) pet birds?

Have you ever raised (kept) a pet bird?

What did you feed it?


Do you like outdoor activities?

What outdoor activities do you (most) like to do?

How often do you do that?

What kinds of outdoor activities do you do in your daily life?

Do people in your country prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors?

What (types of) outdoor activities are popular in your country?

Do people in your country have enough time to spend on outdoor activities?


What do you think, "happiness" is?

What do you think makes people feel happy?

Do you do anything to keep yourself happy?

Why do people feel happy when they are at a natural place (such as in a forest)?

Do you think money plays an important part in people's happiness?








part 1 ; name hometown birthday when you were a kid,you play with who? why?

part 2 : a job you want to do(我的);其他人的 leader leadership; a family event ;an outdoor activity space;histoty building; a song ;movie;

part3 :你认为学什么专业的人报酬最高。为什么? 为什么有的行业报酬高有的低?职业会影响对某个人的印象吗?为什么?

如地点的TOPIC city hometown temple a place learn about the past, historical place,changchen ideal home ,modern building.我把这些都合并下来,就背以下内容。

l metropolis

l The cityscape is gorgeous which accommodates tons of towering skyscrapers

l dynamic and vibrant nightlife.

l the city is absolutely densely-populated.

l Hustle and bustle

l Monument=cultural heritage= cultural relics

l holy place

l inscription

l enormous=tremendous

l which dates back to

l a visual feast that dates back to thousands years ago.

l appreciate the historical artifacts

l awe-inspiring

l It is a series of stone and earthen fortification of northern China.

l protecting the state from the northern invasion

l monitoring the security of the northern border of ancient China.

l My ideal house would be one that incorporates an intelligent design system.

l I would equip the house with tons of electronic appliances that are connected by the Internet, making the so-called smart house.

l And wi-fi is available everywhere in the house, you can surf the internet whenever and wherever you want as long as you are in the house.

l Since it combines the modern intelligence with the classic nature.

l However,my current financial ability unfortunately stretches only as far as to buy a small toliet

l The room is very tranquility and helps to boost your concentration, as a result of which you can focus on study without being distracted from the outside environment.

l The room inspires me particularly referring to the window because through this window I can see the outside world

l provides me with an ideal place to store the book and retrieve it.

l which is absolutely a functional room without any other unnecessary decorations.

l magnificent skyscrapers

l there is large glass curtain wall, covering the whole building. The building is symmetrical in design, following the western style.

l This building has been the recipient of many prestigious design awards.

l out of my reach(MONEY)= out of my league(NOT MONEY,BECAUSE THE CLASS)

l utter intelligence

l downtown/heart of the city城镇中心区

l fast pace of life 快捷的生活节奏tempo

l jammed with people 人满为患densely populated overpopulation overpopulated

l concrete jungle 钢筋水泥的丛林

l Infrastructure

l you can experience an awe-inspiring scenery with one champagne in one hand and a girl in the other hand

PS:PART1 不能太过火,说一大推,考官一下就觉得你在背答案。我7分那次PART1只说了1~2句,个人认为最理想的是在3句以内。

PART2 得回答问题,别以为拿到准备过的话题就很开心,就愉快地背答案,恭喜你获得了6分。


PART3 能说多少说多少,答案要经典,能用谚语的话最好。


l You are what you eat.

l The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 布丁的美味吃时方知;空谈不照现实。实践出真知

l The early bird cacthes the worms.

l When in Rome, do as the Romans do

l nothing ventured nothing gained

l standing on the shoulders of giants.站在巨人的肩膀上

l All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 只学习不玩,搞到JACK成了个傻瓜。

最后口语,同一个词千万不要经常重复,如BECAUSE,你可以用on account of=due to =by reason of =owing to= since= considering


