


先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐的英文:be concern about the country and the people before anything else. “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”,就是把国家、民族的利益摆在首位,为祖国的前途、命运担忧分愁,为天底下的人民幸福出汗流血。历史上的文天祥在国家危亡之时,置个人生命于不顾,明知凶多吉少,念及“国家至此”,毅然前往和元军谈判。 被捕后,几度挣脱敌人魔掌,以期重整旗鼓,收复大宋江山,表现了这种精神;1958年庐山会议上,彭德怀元帅冒着丢官舍命的危险,反映民情,说出真话。他为人民忧,为人民愁,为人民大声疾呼,尽管被罢官,仍然矢志不移

To worry before the common people worries ; to enjoy only after the people can enjoy

always consider the people troubles first ,but the last one to enjoy the happiness .

1. Be the first to worry about the troubles across the land, the last to enjoy universal happiness. 2.One should be the first to worry for the future of the state and the last to claim his share of happiness.

Worry first and worry about, after the world to enjoy,