
no matter what用法

no matter what用法

no matter what用法

对no matter wha的t用法有些漏洞

1.no matter what与whatever的区别除了前者不能做主语和宾语外,有没有前者不能用于句中的只能用于句首的限制.


是用No matter what difficulities you meet,you should have your faith吧,那么No matter what difficulities you will meet 对吗,主要是想知道这里让步状语从句使用将来时还是现在时.

1.没有只能用于句首的限制.例如:Day in,day out,no matter what the weather is like,she walks ten miles.她不管天气如何,每天总是不间断地步行十英里.No matter what he is,he must obey the law.不论他是什么人,他必须遵守法律.

2.No matter what difficulities you will meet 对的,看上面第一个例句就知道.