


定义_否定句_注意事项 英语的句子可根据两个标准分类,即按其使用目的或按语法结构(即句子的形式)来分类。按其使用目的,句子可分为:陈述句: This is a dog.这是一只狗。疑问句: Is this a dog?这是一只狗吗?祈使句: Open your eyes!睁开眼睛!感叹句: What a beautiful dog this is!这是只多么漂亮的狗!按语法结构,句子可分为:简单句: I am studying.我在读书。并列句: I am studying, but he is playing.我在读书,他却在玩。复合句: Although I am studying, he is playing.虽然我在读书,他却在玩。陈述句凡是说明一件事情,提出一个看法,或是表达种心情的句子都是陈述句。大多数的句子都是陈述句,它可以用肯定式和否定式。句末用句号“•”,通常用降调。We live in Beijing.(肯定句)我们住在北京。We don’t live in Beijing.(否定句)我们不住在北京。*本节侧重于陈述句中的否定结构,现把英语中否定句总结如下:1 be动词、一般动词(实义动词)、情态动词的否定句I am not a student. 我不是学生。I don't know him. 我不认识他。He can't speak English. 他不会说英语。1.be动词的否定句a.句型:主语+be动词+not~.I wasn't good at English.我英语不好。He isn't hungry.他不饿。b.进行时和被动语态(现在时、过去时、进行时)都有be动词,所以它们的否定句与be动词的否定句同形。They aren't cleaning the room.(现在进行时)他们没在打扫房间。The child was not looked after.(过去时的被动语态)这个孩子以前没有被照顾过。c.将来时(will,shall)、完成时及情态动词的被动语态不能用be动词的否定句型。2.情态动词的否定句句型:主语+情态动词+ not +动词原形(详见第十二章中的“情态动词”部分)I cannot do it myself.我自己做不了这件事。You mustn't take the books out.你们一定不能把书拿出去。3.一般动词的否定句句型:主语+ do(does, did)+ not +动词原形(详见第七、八章)注意否定式的缩略形is not→isn'tare not→aren'tWas not→wasn'twere not→ weren'tdo not→don'tdoes not→doesn'tdid not→ didn't Can not→can'twill not→ won'tmust not→ mustn'thave not→ haven'thas not→ hasn'thad not→hadn'tam not无缩写形式,应为I'm not形式。He doesn't do his homework every day.他不是每天都做作业。They didn't have the class-meeting yesterday.他们昨天没开班会。They don't live in Shanghai.他们不住在上海。4.现在完成时的否定句句型:主语+ have(has)+ not +动词的过去分词~.I haven't finished reading the book yet.这本书我还没读完。He hasn't had his breakfast yet.他还没吃早饭呢。5.过去完成时的否定句句型:主语+ had + not +动词的过去分词~.He hadn't finished reading the book by theend of last month.截至上月末,他还没看完这本书。*否定结构应注意事项1.使用not的部分否定含有not的句子,如果使用了very,always以及不定代词all,both,every及every的复合词,则表示部分否定。(其余的半否定结构请参见第二章的不定代词部分)I don't play football very well.我足球踢得不特别好。It isn't always hot here in summer.这儿夏天不总是很热。比较I don't play football well.(全否定)我足球踢得不好。It isn't hot here in summer.(全否定)这儿夏天不热。2.not的其他否定表示a. not…at all一点也不I'm not tired at all.我一点也不累。(语气强烈)I don't like it at all.我一点儿也不喜欢它。b. not…any more,not…any longer再也不……I don't live here any longer.我再也不在这儿住了。I can not eat any more. =I can eat no more.我再也不能多吃了。3.使用not以外的否定词表示否定a.用no表示:no +名词=not any…一点也不……There is no wind .= There is not any wind.一点儿风都没有。b. never决不(语气比not强烈)I'll never forget you.我决不会忘记你。c. few/little…几乎没有详见第二章代词<不定代词>部分。He has few friends.他几乎没有朋友。I have little money.我几乎没有钱。d. no one(=nobody)无人No one knows the answer.=Nobody knows the answer.没人知道答案。e. nothing =not anything什么也没有I have nothing to do today.我今天什么也没做。f. none of…没有任何人;什么都没有None of them can answer it.他们之中没有任何一个人能回答。I eat none of the food.这些食物中我一样也没吃。g.含有否定副词seldom(很少)、hardly(几乎不)的句子。He can hardly write his name.他几乎写不出他的名字。We seldom watch TV.我们很少看电视。注意在含有宾语从句的主从复合句中,当主句的谓语动词是think(认为)、believe(相信)等词时,宾语从句谓语的否定,习惯上要前移到主句的谓语上。I don't think you are right.我认为你不对。We don't believe he'll win.我们相信他不会赢。注意none后面必须用of,none of可表示人和物,参见左例f.。而nobody只能表示人,参见左例d.。3.《too…to》(太…以至于不……)的句型是不使用否定词的否定句子He is too old to work.他太老了,不能工作了。