
英语翻译,不要机器翻译,要人工翻译,机器翻译一律不采纳 谢谢!

英语翻译,不要机器翻译,要人工翻译,机器翻译一律不采纳 谢谢!

1. John是我的好朋友,我们有很多相同之处。我们都喜欢吃蔬菜和肉。我很喜欢锻炼,因为锻炼有益身心健康,因此我们都较强壮。

John is my good friend, we have many things in common. We all like to eat vegetables and meat. I like to exercise, because exercise is good for the health of body and mind, so we are all stronger.

2. 但我和John在某些方面不同,他比我更安详更严肃些,他比我更努力些,这就是为什么他总是获得较好的成绩。

But there are some differences between John and I in some ways, he is more serene and more serious than I, he works harder than I, that is why he always gets good scores.



1.John is my good friend, we have a lot in common. We all like to eat vegetables and meat. I like to exercise, because exercise is good for health of body and mind.So we are both relatively strong.

2.But I and John is in some ways, he is more serene than I more serious, he is harder than I, that is why he always get good grades.







1.John is my good friend, we have a lot in common. We all like to eat vegetables and meat. I like to exercise, because exercise is good for physical and mental health, so we are stronger. 2 but I and John in some aspects of different, he is more than I quiet more serious, he is more than I work harder, and that is why he always get good grades.