
鸿星尔克广告语to be number one是什么意思

鸿星尔克广告语to be number one是什么意思

鸿星尔克广告里面最后那句英文是“To be number one”,中文意思是“成为第一”。


鸿星尔克广告歌曲“To be number one”的歌词:

This is what we've worked for all our lives

Reaching for the highest goal we can

We choose to give it all

When competition calls

Time records the Victory in our hearts

To win or lose is not the only thing

It's all in how we play the fairest game

This is the chance we take

Reaching for the top

To be number one

Running like the wind

Playing hard but always playing fair

(oh Year)

Winning again and again

Reaching higher

Through Italian sky

Shining like a shooting star at night

We've got to give it all

When we hear the call

Time records the viictory in our hearts

To be number one!

鸿星尔克,to be number 1。


鸿星尔克的TO BE No.1 在奥运会上可以说是完美的演绎,从南非的范德博格打破世界纪录勇夺男子100米蛙泳金牌到勒克洛斯力压菲尔普斯勇夺200蝶泳金牌,都体现了TO BE No.1那种不断追求卓越,不断突破、创新、敢于拼搏,永不放弃,不盲目追求的内涵。

除此之外,To be number 1 也意为"没有毒品的净土,争做第一"的社会团体,此项目旨在预防并解决毒品问题。泰国邬汶叻公主担任委员会主席,该团体是致力于帮助年轻人远离毒品和罪恶,倡导积极向上的生活方式,从而推动全民健康运动,加强社区青少年精神上的免疫力,通过开发生活技能和社会网络来加以预防和提供帮助。目前,基金会员已超过3000万人,涵盖的目标群体为10-24岁的青年人。