


1 places of interest (名胜古迹 )

2. plan to make a new friend (结交朋友的计划)

3. have interest in collecting information(具有收集信息的兴趣/爱好)

4. complete the construction of the building(完成大楼的建设)

5. mountain chains (1:牛肚梁 ;2:山脉)

6. take shape(成型,变得有条理,形成)

7. design furniture(设计家具)

8. a magnificent structure with a square base and a round top


9. from a distance (从远处)

10. ancient civilization(古代文明)

11. a container for food(一个盛/装食物的容器)(食物保鲜盒)

12. The palace is nine storeys tall.(这个宫殿有9层楼高)

13. historical items (历史性商品)

14. Only a few people are admitted tothe exhibition each day.


15. a landscape painting (一副风景油画)

16. take a boat trip (坐船旅行)

17. preserve food (保存食物)

18. a reflection in the clear water


19. be attracted by the scenery(被风景所吸引)

20. cycle along the path(沿着小路骑车)

21. The Great Wall is a good place to go in autumn.(长城是个在冬季可以去的好地方)


22. Eat a balanced diet, and you will keep fit/healthy.


23. The Shanghai Museum is open from 9 a.m.to 5 p.


